'Delhi Chalo' march: Barricades at Ghazipur border as security boosted | Oneindia News

2024-02-13 86

A crucial meeting between farmer leaders and Union ministers ended without a resolution late Monday night, prompting farmers to press ahead with their 'Delhi Chalo' protest on Tuesday. Now, Delhi braces for the upcoming farmers' mega march scheduled for Tuesday, as security measures are intensified, and large gatherings were banned until Monday. Our correspondent has reached the Gazipur border to procure updates on the present situation.

#FarmersProtest #DelhiNoidaBorder #UPFarmers #MarchToParliament #TrafficJam #ProtestMovement #AgriculturalReform #MSPGuarantee #PensionForFarmers #CropInsurance #FIRQuashing #Solidarity #RuralRights #SocialJustice #LandAcquisition #CentralForces #SupportFarmers #PeoplesProtest #Activism #DemandJustice